Neutral Process Consultation
If you would like a neutral consultation regarding the mediation process, please contact our office to schedule an appointment. Janet Whitehead will meet with both parties together to explain the mediation process so you can decide if it is the right process to meet your needs. The neutral consultation will last approximately 30 minutes and will cost: Fee: $150.00 plus HST
Mediation with Individuals without Lawyers present
hourly rate for intake meetings, preparing for and participating in mediation sessions,
preparing progress notes, drafting agreement, phone-calls, emails,
letters with parties or counsel after draft agreement prepared: $375.00 plus HST
and disbursements
Mediation with Lawyers present
Full Day Mediation Fee: $4,500.00 + HST
-includes individual intake meetings, preparation and up to a maximum of 8 hours for the mediation session
Half Day Mediation: Fee: $2,750.00 + HST
-includes individual intake meetings, preparation and up to a maximum of 4 hours for the mediation session
Hourly rate for additional mediation, and/or phone-calls, emails, letters,
after initial mediation session: $375.00 + HST
Hourly rate for reviewing arbitration materials, participation in arbitration hearing,
preparation of award, phone-calls, emails, letters $375.00 + HST
and disbursements
Law Clerk hourly rate $ 75.00 + HST